Unleashing missional followers of Jesus
Craig is all about helping people become more like Jesus and join Him in His mission to the world. For more info about Craig, click here.
Latest Resources:
- From Chains To Change: The Urgency of ObedienceIn today’s post, we’re talking about WHY Jesus breaks us out of the prisons we sometimes find ourselves trapped in. Jesus…
- What Does God Think About Tattoos?Well, let’s start with what I think is the most powerful, and easily understood argument: God gave the Apostle John a…
- The Four Zones of Our ExpectationsThis past weekend at church, I talked about something God taught me years ago: anger is the result of an experience…
- Getting Out From Under the Weight of Worry (Luke 12:11-33)I want to talk to you today about getting out from under the weight of worry. And just so we’re on…
- The Role of Emotions In LeadershipLet’s talk about the role of your emotions in your leadership. In my experience, this isn’t something we talk about much…
- COVID’s Greatest BlessingListen, I know the title of this post might sound calloused, like I’m just glossing over the devastation and death cased…