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As you might imagine from looking at his schedule, Craig speaks on a wide variety of topics all the time. He will work with you to tailor the content of his messages to the purpose of your event or even write entirely new material just for you and your group. The list below is simply a sample of some of his most popular messages and series.
Multi-Session Series
Freedom From…Freedom For – Jesus died to set us free from death and darkness, but also to set us free for a life of purpose and passion. This 4-session series explores each of these freedoms. If you’re looking for a series that includes a clear, gripping presentation of the Gospel as well as a powerful call to mature believers to live radically, this is the series.
Follow The Signs – Hearing God in the Crowd – Based on his popular book, The Voice: Hearing God In The Crowd, this multi-session series looks at the ways God speaks today and what we need to do to be reaTdy to hear from Him. A perennial favorite for audiences young and old alike.
The Word – Part apologetics and part spiritual growth, this multi-session series helps Christians understand what the Bible is, how we got it and how we can best understand and apply it. With a unique grasp of contemporary challenges to Scripture and the ability to help even veteran followers of Jesus hear familiar biblical stories in fresh ways, Craig excels at helping believers stand firm on God’s word. This series is consistently hailed as transformative. Works best with audiences from high school and up.
Come See, Come Kneel, Come Dance – Drawn from select portions of the Gospel of Luke, this 3 or 4 session series explores the disciples’ growing realization of who Jesus is…and the radically transformed life He is calling us all to. Outrageously funny and deeply touching, you will see some very familiar biblical stories in a fresh new light that will inspire you to pursue a life of radical commitment to Christ.
All the King’s Men – Very popular for men’s retreats, this series explore 3 key Christian foundations: what it means to be made in the Image of God, what it means to live “in the name of Jesus” and what God’s purpose for us has always been for us…and will always be. The applications of these messages can be tailored for mixed audiences.
Ephesians – Originally developed as part of a training series for South American pastors, this is an exposition of Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. If you’re looking for an in-depth book-study for a retreat or conference, this is it! While it is possible to select only a few of the sessions for smaller events, the Ephesians series is designed to cover the entire book in 6 sessions. This is life-changing biblical teaching from a respected New Testament scholar.
Load Bearing Truths – This is a flexible series that unpacks key truths of the Christian faith, from “why did God make us?” to “what is heaven going to be like?” Each session tackles is a stand-alone biblical truth, but woven together over the course of a weekend conference or week-long camp, these truths form a powerful backgroup for radical Christian living.
The above list is only a sample of Craig’s content. He is willing to work with event organizers to either tailor existing messages or craft new ones to fit the need.
Single Messages
God Loves You…And Has a Very Weird Plan For Your Life – A very funny, and intensely thought-provoking, reworking of a familiar Christian cliche. Comparing Jesus’ call to the first disciples with some of his own outrageous experiences, Craig paints a vivid picture of life with Jesus.
In Jesus’ Name – Many Christians have fallen prey to a watered down version of the Gospel that says the good news is that we can be forgiven of our sins and spend eternity in heaven. That’s true, but it’s only a small part of the story! The Gospel that Jesus proclaimed – and his earliest followers risked everything to spread – was the good news that through Christ we have been invited to become representatives of the Almighty, present participants in His now-and-coming Kingdom!
Dealing With Doubt – From John 9, this message deals directly with a subject few Christians are comfortable acknowledging: we all have doubts. But doubt is not the enemy of faith, unless we allow it to paralyze us. What is the biblical model for dealing with the doubts we all face from time to time? This message will answer that question in a practical and encouraging way.
God of our Messes – Based on Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus, this engaging and encouraging message demonstrates from Scripture that God has a long history of taking a mess and making it amazing!
Other popular single messages include:
How Great Is Our God
A Hunch & A Hope
The Ride
East From Eden
Heaven In The Real World
Training Seminars
Knowing God: The Myths & Realities of Intimacy With The Almighty
Bible Basics: The Origins of The Bible & Basic Principles of Interpretation
The Unashamed: Knowing What & Why We Believe
The Word: Understanding & Trusting the Bible in an Age of Skepticism
How To Raise a Good Atheist (or, “Do the Opposite of Everything This Message Says!”) – Parenting Seminar
Basic Christian Theology
Understanding End Times Theology