Moving Forward

A couple of weeks into this thing and I’m realizing that yes, as I mentioned before, a mega-church isn’t just a larger version of a small church, but also that there are some fundamental similarities. For instance, one of the challenges of any church is striking the balance between the past, present and the future.…

Loving and Learning

Coletta and I were privileged to be able to spend a couple of days last week with the former pastor of Mission Hills Church, Mike Romberger, and his wife, Jane.  They were both very gracious in welcoming us and spending a very sizable chunk of their valuable time telling us their story and answering our questions.…

And So It Begins

I have always liked big churches.  I realize that’s not really the “in” thing to say, but it’s the honest truth. What I like about big churches isn’t necessarily spiritual, just personal.  I like the resources big churches have to do big things for God.  I like the momentum big churches have to keep moving forward…