Hi there! Thanks for your interest in finding out a little more about me, personally. I’m genuinely flattered!
Honestly, info pages like this are weird and awkward. And after years of enduring the discomfort of listening to people introduce me by way of reading something they found on a page like this, I’ve decided to just stick with the basics:
- I’ve been married to Coletta for 24 amazing years…not surprising since she’s an amazing woman! She’s a very gifted teacher, encourager and partner in ministry. She’s especially passionate about helping pastors’ wives embrace the joy of their critical ministry. Check out her blog here!
- I’ve been blessed with two daughters, Rochelle and Lynae. Rochelle is in her first year of college. Lynae is in her first year of high school. As a dad who really loves hanging out with his kids, I’m not crazy about either of those things.
- I live in Castle Rock, Colorado, which is an awesome place. We’ve called Castle Rock home for over 20 years now, which I love. I grew up moving every few years, so being able to say definitively that “I’m from here” is great.
- I’m the lead pastor of Mission Hills Church, one of those mega-church things situated in the Littleton/Highlands Ranch community of south Denver, Colorado. How I ended up here is one of the craziest stories of God’s moving I’ve ever personally been involved in!
- I’ve written a few books. My favorite is How NOT to Miss God Moving. My second-favorite is probably The Word: Understanding and Trusting the Bible in an Age of Skepticism.
- I have a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Bristol University, UK. My dissertation is basically about giving pastors a useful tool to help them accurately interpret certain biblical passages based on their structure. Ask for further details at your own risk!
- I am an adjunct professor of New Testament and Christian Theology at Denver Seminary. I love being able to pour into ministers, ministers-in-training and anyone else who wants to go deeper into God’s Word and what it tells us about the God who inspired it!
- What drives me most in ministry is helping people dig deep into truth and reach wide into the world in relevant and transformational ways. I’m especially excited about helping followers of Jesus speak into strategic intersections of faith and culture.